Winifred Montana Train Depot

Winifred Montana Train Depot

Winifred Depot Photos
Koffler Baby Pictures
Depot Pictures
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Big Playground
Mike Koffler, 1948, Winifred Depot

This picture certainly dates me

Winifred, Montana 1949.  Michael and Cynthia Koffler sitting on a running board of an old car.  Usually, my little sister and I were kept inside the depot or behind a wooden playpen my dad had built.  When we weren't posing for pictures, we were building dirt roads in our playpen at the side of the depot.  Winters were notoriously cold in Winifred. Even at the age of 3 I remember very well waking up one morning and seeing a half glass of water frozen solid on the drain board inside the depot.

Copyright © 2002 Michael W. Koffler. All Rights Reserved.